Find a Recognised Supervisor Training Program

Find a Recognised Supervisor Training Program

AAOS Recognised Supervisor Training Program’s (RSTP) are programs that have undergone the AAOS processes which determined they are delivered in line with AAOS training standards. This is a list of the training institutions and the training programs which they deliver:

Centre for Existential Practice

Theory & Practice: Wheel of Supervision Parts 1 & 2

Dr Alison Strasser
0480 392 614

Course length: 36 hours each Part 1 and Part 2

Our approach to supervisor training is integrative and personalised, designed to enable you to develop your own informed and authentic voice as a supervisor. Our training is in 2 parts, each of them 5-day courses followed by 10 hours of small group practice and a written and/or practical assessment, as required by your relevant association. The full training pathway also fulfils the training component of the Accredited Supervisor pathways of PACFA, AAOS and ACA. If you are a practising supervisor seeking accreditation with your professional association or an experienced practitioner who wants to learn about supervision in an environment in which you can put your learning into practice, this course may be right for you. See more at: Our Supervisor Training Modules here and Supervisor Training Part 1 here

Sydney School of Education & Social Work, University of Sydney

Reflective Supervision in Education

Nina Goodwin
+612 9351 6329

Course length:

This Sydney School of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney, course is designed specifically for leaders in Education settings to address and support the complex demands that Principals and senior staff face in their work in schools. Effective, ongoing support for school and educational leaders will promote wellbeing and achievement across the Educational context continuum. Providing one-on-one professional and confidential conversations (plus peer and group reflective supervision) over several sessions to support school leaders as they navigate their professional roles, this course encourages participating leaders to understand and respond reflectively to challenges and opportunities for their leadership practice within the Education and school contexts. Participants in the Reflective Supervision in Education program will already have significant experience in educational leadership. The program recognises this experience, and involves significant self-directed learning through readings, intensive practical sessions, being supervised and supervising, and reflective assessment tasks. Further information available at

Transforming Practices

Theory & Practice: Supervisor Training

Mary Pearson
0413 149 600

Course length:

Transforming Practices is a registered association of autonomous practitioners who foster personal and social transformation as professional and pastoral Supervisors and Consultants.Transforming Practices Inc. provides training for Professional and Pastoral Supervisors across the professions. Full details of the training program can be found on the Transforming Practices website. It outlines the program, the pre-requisite requirements, details of the program and all costs.

St Mark’s National Theological Centre

Theory only: Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (Pastoral)

Kevin Teo
(61 2) 6272 6252

Course length: 1 year part-time

A pioneer and sector leader in Professional Supervision, St Mark’s now offers its industry-leading Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision (Pastoral) through the Charles Sturt University School of Theology (CSU Course Code: 1324PS01). Eligible students may qualify for Commonwealth Government FEE-HELP. The course can be completed part-time in one year, and consists of four subjects specialising in self-reflection, supervision theory and practice, including group supervision skills. It includes a “workplace” component—the supervision over ten hours of a volunteer supervisee. For more information see: Or contact our registrar ( .

University of Divinity (CRICOS Provider: 01037A)

Theory only: Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision and Graduate Diploma in Professional Supervision

Greg Rublee
03 9087 5407 or 0450 401 114

Course length: 1-2 years part-time

The University of Divinity’s Professional Supervision Program is expanding its options for study in 2022. The Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision is offered as an intensive and a year-long program, and the Graduate Diploma is offered over a year.These units are available online and in-person at the University’s St Paschal Campus in Box Hill (Melbourne). Teaching staff are led by Dr Cathryn (Cath) McKinney, together with specialist lecturers, experienced professional supervisors, and other specialist presenters.

Fee Help, Masters Pathway

Institute of Pastoral Supervision & Reflective Practice

Theory & Practice: Diploma of Cross-Professional Supervision

Dr Michael Paterson
00 44 7766 578 629

Course length: 1 year

The Institute is a community of practice in the fields of pastoral and cross-professional supervision. Associates are all accredited supervisors, published authors and experienced trainers in the field. The Institute currently has Associates in Australia, England, France, Germany, Ireland and Scotland. Professional training is held both in-person and online. Associates also regularly facilitate training workshops across the English speaking world. The Director of the Institute is an AAOS Supervisor-Trainer. Full details of the Institute’s work, publications and training can be found at

Alphacrucis University College

Theory & Practice: Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision

Elizabeth Skinner
1300 228 355

Course length: 18 months part-time

Alphacrucis University College offers a comprehensive Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision, blending theory and practice for cross-professional supervision. This part-time, 18-month program focuses on a reflective practice approach and consists of four units, meeting AAOS training requirements. Students will complete a placement including the provision of 40-hours of professional supervision and participation in 15 hours of supervision on supervision (included in fee cost). Placements are facilitated through the Alphacrucis Wellbeing Centre and partner organisations. Graduates can complete an additional audit unit, including 40 hours of supervision practice, and 3 hours of supervision on supervision through the Wellbeing Centre, meeting the 80-hour requirement for AAOS Supervisor Membership. The course is also accredited by PACFA, ensuring high professional standards.

Morling College

Theory only: Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision

Margaret Welch
Sydney: 02 9878 0201 and Perth: 08 6313 6200

Course length: 1 – 2 years part-time

The Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision is a four-unit accredited course with a specialised focus on developing the knowledge and skills necessary to enable graduates to be equipped to provide professional supervision services to others within their area of expertise. Grounded in a Christian Worldview, our training supports students in integrating their faith with professional supervision practice. This course is offered in flexible delivery modes and is suitable for applicants with prior experience in either pastoral ministry, chaplaincy or clinical counselling contexts who wish to become accredited as a professional supervisor. Graduates of this award will have advanced knowledge and skill in the key components of professional supervision practice. Graduates will be able to apply this knowledge to their own supervision practice within their area of expertise. Completion of this course will provide a pathway into professional accreditation as a supervisor with PACFA or AAOS. Teaching staff are experienced, accredited professional supervisors with current practice experience. For more information please see:

Heart of Life Centre for Pastoral and Spiritual Formation

Theory and Practice: Emmaus Supervision Program

Lynn Moresi
(+61 3) 9890 1101

Course length: over 2 years

Heart of Life’s Emmaus Supervision Program is a unique and profound journey built upon its 40-year reputation for high quality spiritual and pastoral formation programs. Along the road you’ll discover the art of being a great supervisor. You’ll dive into the theory and be immersed in a community of practice.  Available as a Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (Emmaus) at the University of Divinity, this 24-month long program is delivered on-line or in-person.  Supported small group work provides a powerful experiential learning environment. Creative approaches to supervision through lived experience equip you in reflective practice. You’ll graduate with confidence, wisdom, and skill to provide discerning, competent, professional supervisory accompaniment.  All supervisors on the program are AAOS members and the Program Coordinator is an AAOS supervisor trainer.  Sufficient practice and supervision hours are included within the program to enable transfer from Associate to Full membership of AAOS upon successful completion of the course subject to all other membership criteria being met.

Charles Sturt University

Theory only: Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision (Pastoral)

Bernard Doherty
(61) 2 6272 6230

Course length: 1 year part-time

Charles Sturt University offers the Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision (Pastoral) (CSU Course Code: 1324PS01). Eligible students may qualify for Commonwealth Government FEE-HELP. The course can be completed part-time in one year, and consists of four subjects specialising in self-reflection, supervision theory and practice, including group supervision skills. It includes a workplace learning component—the supervision over ten hours of a volunteer supervisee. Students can choose to study as part of a number of cohorts across Australia and taught through either of the Charles Sturt University School of Theology partner colleges: St Mark’s National Theological Centre (Canberra) and United Theological College (Sydney). For more information see Or contact our Course Director ( ).

We acknowledge First Nations Peoples across the many lands where our members engage in supervision. We respect their deep enduring connection to Country and culture, and honour their Elders past, present and emerging.