The following details will be used to log into AAOS. Already have an account? Please login.
Maximum number of associations reached.
Maximum number of documents reached.
If you are applying for membership as an Associate based on the recognition of prior learning, you are required to demonstrate that your prior learning meets AAOS competencies for supervision practice.
Maximum number of files reached.
Maximum number of supervisor trainers reached.
You are required to attach a copy of your current Professional Indemnity Insurance Certificate for your supervision practice. If you are employed and self-employed you are required to have and attach certificates of currency for both practices.
If the organisation you are contracted to covers your insurance AAOS requires a copy of the organisations certificate of currency and a letter stating, you and your supervision practice is covered by the organisations policy.
If you require Professional Indemnity cover, one of many options is Fenton Green & Co - Follow the prompts to get a quote for Professional Indemnity. When applying, note that you are applying for membership with AAOS.
You are required to attach a copy of the current Professional Indemnity Certificate for your organisation.
Registrants are bound by the Constitution, the ethical guidelines, notices and directives of AAOS. The AAOS website is updated with this information as required.